Consiliul Județean Cluj
Centrul Județean pentru Conservarea și Promovarea Culturii Tradiționale Cluj
Original Village Instrumental Music from Cluj Region
Located in the southern part of Cluj County, the ethnographic area of the Transylvania Plateau includes the settlements along Hăşdate Valley, along the lower Aries River, the area between Feleac and Mociului Hills and all the way to Buza village. The morphology of this area is typical for the contact between the hill country and the lowland basins. The social – cultural center of this cluster of settlements is Turda (Potaissa), a very old Dacian fortress, uneasy to adopt the Roman ways.
The musical and choreographic repertory of the area is very rich. It includes: the children’s folklore, the sleeping songs, the wedding repertory, the funeral repertory, the Carols, the Goat’s play, the “vergel”, the working gatherings, the Corn’s processing; Spring and Summer traditions – Saint George, “Brişcălitul”, Sheep’s Mating, The Midsummer Day, The song of the harvesting crown, The ceremonial song for military conscription, the traditional song, the dance tuner, the traditional dances.
Within this specific area the musicians from Soporu de Câmpie are particularly appreciated. They are usually playing – with utmost success – during the local artistic events but also during international events.
The makeup of the bands, aiming to achieve the folk artistic act, is simple but elaborated. A Transylvanian Trio band is:
– using a minimal number of players, achieving a good tune homogeneity, because of the three instruments “with strings and bows”, covering a large acoustic specter.
We are inviting you to listen to one of the finest repertories of instrumental music from the Transylvanian Plateau, performed by Alexandru Ciurcui – Tandorică, which will last over time because of the care of our peerless artists; which undertook the record of this album – full of the precious gems of the instrumental music – with the support of Cluj County Centre for the Conservation and Promotion of the Traditional Culture.